
NEIL traces it roots to 1973 and the formation of Nuclear Mutual Limited. Roughly half a century later, it is safe to say we have been a success. This can be attributed to good planning, hard work, a willingness to take risks, some good fortune, and, perhaps most significantly, the willingness of dedicated individuals from our Members to contribute their experience, knowledge and time to the benefit of all Members. We have experienced a number of “seminal moments” over our history, each of which helped shape NEIL into what it is today. Here’s a look at some of those moments.


NEIL traces it roots to 1973 and the formation of Nuclear Mutual Limited. Roughly half a century later, it is safe to say we have been a success. This can be attributed to good planning, hard work, a willingness to take risks, some good fortune, and, perhaps most significantly, the willingness of dedicated individuals from our Members to contribute their experience, knowledge and time to the benefit of all Members. We have experienced a number of “seminal moments” over our history, each of which helped shape NEIL into what it is today. Here’s a look at some of those moments.

NEIL Timeline


    A novel plan to form a Nuclear Industry Mutual is introduced and pursued.

    An Edison Electric Institute (EEI) committee receives a report on the formation of an industry-owned insurance company for insuring first-party property risks at nuclear sites. Facing challenges with insuring their nuclear sites through the commercial insurance industry, collective large nuclear power companies pursue this opportunity. They are encouraged by the prospect of being able to offer premium savings, and more importantly, the ability to self-determine the direction of the insurance being offered. After attempts to develop a shared approach with the commercial insurance industry falter, the Utility executives agree to form a self-insurance mutual insurer in Bermuda.


    14 companies come together to help better manage the insurance needs for their nuclear sites.

    The Bermuda Parliament passes enabling legislation, clearing the way for NML to be formed. On June 1, 1972, the NML Board of Directors holds its first official meeting. That summer and fall involve a steady stream of meetings with individual utilities, to secure a sufficient number of participants, and state public service commissions and other legislative bodies to secure approvals and clear the path to start business. NML officially issues its first policies on January 1, 1973, covering 18 sites for its 14 Members. Each policy provides $100 million in limits and each Member accepts a risky retrospective premium, equal to 14 times the annual premium per policy, that NML could call if a full-limit loss occurs.

    The founding Members of NML were:
    • Alabama Power Company
    • Carolina Power & Light Company
    • Commonwealth Edison Company
    • Consolidated Edison Company of New York
    • Consumers Power Company
    • Duke Power Company
    • Florida Power & Light Company
    • Georgia Power Company
    • Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Company
    • Pacific Gas and Electric Company
    • Public Service Electric and Gas Company
    • San Diego Gas & Electric Company
    • Southern California Edison Company
    • Wisconsin Electric Power Company

    NML pays its first claim and declares its first Policyholder Distribution.

    A landmark moment in the history of any insurance company is its first paid claim. For NEIL, this was the company’s second claim - a March 6, 1973 fire at Duke Power’s Oconee Station that results in NML making a $400,000 payment.

    1973 also marks the first year NML pays a Policyholder Distribution: $3,872,730. This number equals 47% of earned premium for the year. Policyholder Distributions continue to be an important aspect of NEIL’s value proposition to its Members, and is a key indicator of the company’s overall success.

    The accident at Three Mile Island impacts the course of the U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power industry.

    On March 28, 1979, Unit 2 at GPU’s Three Mile Island (TMI) Nuclear Station experiences perhaps the most significant (and famous) incident in the history of the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. The accident forever changes the nuclear industry, the insurance of nuclear plants, and how the country views nuclear energy as a resource.

    As to NEIL, this unfortunate event is notable for two reasons:

    First — the commercial insurance market refuses to provide coverage to GPU, the owner of the site, for the undamaged TMI Unit 1, which is approved to restart. In response, GPU seeks coverage from NML. In a show of mutuality toward the greater good for the industry, NML agrees to insure TMI’s Unit 1 and accept GPU as a new Member.

    Second — the TMI event reveals gaps and shortfalls in insurance coverage for the industry. 

    Coverage shortfalls identified after the TMI accident leads to the formation of Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited (NEIL).

    Coverage shortfalls identified after the TMI accident leads to the formation of Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited (NEIL).

    In the aftermath of the TMI event and the units being offline, GPU experiences severe financial difficulties related to its need to purchase power to replace that supplied by the TMI units. No insurance product exists to cover this risk, and NML is asked to explore whether an insurance mechanism can be developed to cover it. Following the blueprint from NML’s formation, NEIL was formed in Bermuda as a sister company to NML.

    NEIL issues its first policies on September 15, 1980. Those policies, now known as our Accidental Outage Policies, covered excess replacement power costs incurred by insurers.

    NEIL’s original Members include 11 of NML’s original Members, plus the following companies:
    • AEP
    • BG&E
    • Boston Edison
    • Cleveland Elec. Illuminating Co.
    • Florida Power Corp.
    • GPU
    • Iowa Electric Light & Power
    • Middle South Utilities
    • Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia
    • Northeast Utilities
    • Northern States Power
    • Philadelphia Electric Company
    • Portland General Electric
    • Rochester Gas & Electric
    • Toledo Edison Company
    • Virginia Electric and Power Company

    NML and NEIL relocate operations from Bermuda to Delaware.

    NML and NEIL make a momentous move to Delaware. The companies choose The First State due to its corporate and insurance sophistication, and geographic convenience. In addition, Delaware’s Captive Insurance Code allows NML and NEIL to be licensed as Industrial Insured Captives without having to re-form as Delaware corporations. Today, NEIL remains a Bermuda Mutual Insurance Company that is licensed by the Delaware Department of Insurance to conduct business within the State.

    NML and NEIL implement critical policy form changes to respond to changes to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s "Property Insurance Rule."

    Throughout the 1980s, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reviewed and modified its requirements pertaining to licensees maintaining specified amounts of property damage insurance on their nuclear sites. In August 1987, the NRC implements a rule requiring a minimum of $1.06 billion in property damage insurance, and that this coverage be prioritized toward costs for stabilization, decontamination and cleanup of a site after a nuclear event. In response, NML and NEIL begin a lengthy process to develop language for the Primary and Excess Property policies that satisfies the NRC requirements, and is acceptable to the Members and the companies who lent money to build the plants. In 1989, after months of discussions, that included input from the NRC, NML and NEIL modify all relevant policy forms to provide a unique "Nuclear Liability Coverage" that directly responds to NRC requirements. This coverage remains a key component of NEIL’s property damage coverage today.

    Changes in the nuclear power industry, and with the Membership of NML and NEIL, prompt the companies to merge.

    Over the course of the 1990s, NML and NEIL Membership continue to grow to the point where the Member rosters become nearly the same. During this time, deregulation changes heavily impact the industry. As a result, the Members of each company agree to merge NML into NEIL. The key reasons for this decision are: present a single entity to the outside world; create the strongest possible insurance company to serve the industry moving forward; provide more flexibility in the purchase of reinsurance; achieve administrative benefits. 

    On December 31, 1997, 25 years after NML issued its first policies, NML merges into NEIL, NML’s Members become NEIL Members, and NML ceases to exist. 

    NEIL begins seeking non-U.S. energy companies to become Members of the Mutual and creates NEIL Overseas in Ireland.

    With consolidation of the U.S. industry, NEIL turns its attention to Europe, and the potential to offer insurance to non-U.S. companies operating commercial nuclear sites. In 1998, NEIL forms Overseas NEIL Limited or ONEIL in Dublin, Ireland (now NEIL Overseas dac). On January 1, 1999, Electrabel, the company that owns the 7 nuclear units (on 2 sites) in Belgium, becomes NEIL’s first International Member and ONEIL’s first Insured. Today, Electrabel, now known as Engie, remains an active Member. 

    Between 2003 and 2008, the Spanish companies that own all the operating nuclear plants in Spain become insureds of NEIL Overseas and Members of NEIL. Today, those Members are EDP España, S.A., Endesa Generación, S.A., Iberdrola Generación Nuclear, S.A., and Naturgy Generación, S.L.U.


    As needs arise, Members request NEIL to provide support for their non-nuclear insurance programs.

    In the late 1990s, a number of NEIL Members began to leave the nuclear industry, closing or selling their nuclear plants. Some Members left the Mutual as a result, but others wanted to remain Members of NEIL. To do so though, they needed to maintain an insurance relationship with NEIL to support their Membership. So in 2000, NEIL begins to offer capacity to support our Members’ conventional asset programs.

    This capacity is available to all Members. NEIL’s support of our Members’ conventional programs continues to grow and fills an important need for the Members that participate.

    NEIL’s strength and discipline helps it withstand financial challenges on multiple fronts.

    In 2008, a significant downturn in the investment markets throughout the year, compounded by the Company having its worst claims year in its history, causes the Company’s Surplus to decline by nearly $1 billion. And between 2008 and 2012, the Company paid the three largest claims in its history, totaling $1.7 billion.

    Managing these challenges, and the Company’s ability to fully recover from a Surplus standpoint, evidences the Company’s effective planning and financial discipline in support of the Members.

    At the end of 2008, the Company’s Surplus was $3.07 billion. But by the end of 2012 Surplus recovered to $3.65 billion and by the end of 2017 the Company achieved its then all-time highest Surplus level of $4.5 billion. In addition, despite not declaring a Policyholder Distribution in 2009, 2011 and 2012, over the ten-year period from 2008 to 2017, the Company paid Policyholder Distributions totaling $985 Million


    As part of a Strategy update, the Company completes a rebranding effort.

    A Strategy Review concludes with the Company renewing its focus on serving its Members. As a symbol of this renewed focus, the Company completes a rebranding effort, launching a new public Logo and look.

    The new Logo for NEIL includes three concentric rings along with an updated color scheme and font for the Company name. The concentric rings in the new symbol was intentional and carries specific meaning for the Company and Members. The inner circle has two halves, representing the unique mutual partnership between the NEIL and the Members. Its placement in the center represents that this partnership is at the core of everything NEIL does. The solid circle in the middle represents the comprehensive protection NEIL provides the Members as an insurer. The segments of the outer ring represented the Guiding Principles of the Company, reflecting their influence on the Company’s activities. In 2022, when the Company adopted four Core Values in place of the Guiding Principles, the outer band was modified and now shows four equal segments.


    As part of the rebranding effort, the Company renamed its two long-standing subsidiaries to create a unified convention for identifying the NEIL Companies. Nuclear Service Organization became NEIL Services, Inc. and Overseas NEIL became NEIL Overseas dac.


    As the nuclear industry and its insurance needs evolve, NEIL continues to reassess how we can best support our Members.

    Over the last decade, significant changes occurred in the nuclear industry and the commercial insurance market for the larger energy industry. In 2020, NEIL decides to separate its growing conventional insurance business from the core nuclear business and forms a new subsidiary insurer to manage the conventional insurance programs. Cedar Hamilton Limited is formed and and licensed as a Bermuda Class 3 Insurer in December. Cedar Hamilton is also listed on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Quarterly List of Alien Insurers, allowing Cedar Hamilton to serve NEIL’s Members as a Surplus and Excess Lines insurer in all 50 U.S. States.



    NEIL celebrates its 50th year and NEIL Overseas dac celebrates its 25th year of serving the Members.

    In 2023, NEIL reached 50 years of operation, while NEIL Overseas reached 25 years. The Companies making these milestones can be attributed to many factors, with the most important element being the people involved in the Company. Beginning with the group of energy company executives that took a big risk in starting Nuclear Mutual Limited in 1973 and then NEIL in 1980, through the Member representatives serving on the Board of Directors and Member Advisory Committees today, the Company has been the beneficiary of sound leadership and a unique dedication to the best interests of the nuclear industry. Every individual who has served in a role with NEIL had full-time jobs with their Member company, yet they gave (and continue to give) many hours of time each year to help their Mutual prosper. NEIL’s and NEIL Overseas’ Staff are to be recognized as well, from the original employees in Bermuda to those working across the U.S. and the world today. Their commitment to excellence and dedication to the Company’s Mission, helped make this achievement possible.

    In the Company’s earliest days, the Boards of Directors and leaders promoted a culture of mutuality, cooperation, and respect. This culture led to friendships, and then trust, and contributed significantly to NEIL being such a success story. It is that culture and the environment it espouses that allows NEIL and the Members to work constructively, prioritizing broad input and a dialogue, not just an end result.

    The Company leadership thanks everyone who has been a part of the organization from 1973 to today.

    50th Anniversary Brochure

  • 1970
  • 1972
  • 1973
  • 1979
  • 1980
  • 1988
  • 1989
  • 1997
  • 1998
  • 2000
  • 2008
  • 2016
  • 2020
  • 2023